200 And Counting
Friday 24th February was a momentous date. Although you may not have noticed anything special at the time, let me tell you, it was indeed special. For on this day, 447 days since Pete from Hawaii turned up in Plaza ...
Friday 24th February was a momentous date. Although you may not have noticed anything special at the time, let me tell you, it was indeed special. For on this day, 447 days since Pete from Hawaii turned up in Plaza ...
One of the big fixtures of the weekend as local teams Racing & Tigre take each other on. Both sides are well-known for their passionate fans so it's gonna be a great atmosphere! Racing vs Tigre Date: Sunday 12th February Stadium: President Peron, ...
Whether you are a lifelong fan or simply have a passing interest, seeing a football match in Buenos Aires is a unique experience and should be on the "Things to Do" list, right up there with eating a steak as ...
One of my favourite Buenos Aires websites is Robert Wright's AfterLife, an almost impossibly well-researched directory of Recoleta Cemetery and its defunct inhabitants. With nearly 450 posts detailing the highs and lows of Argentina's finest I've spent many an evening ...
Almost as common as the ubiquitous Argentinian flag, the National Coat of Arms can be seen all over Buenos Aires, especially on government and official buildings. The Coat of Arms (or Escudo de la República Argentina to give its correct title) ...
I've met Ande a few times at the quiz and a few weeks ago she contacted me to see if I'd mind answering some questions for her Porteño Corner page. I didn't mind in the slightest, and here are the ...
I was recently asked a few questions by the good folks at Expanish Spanish School Argentina about my experiences in Buenos Aires and the things I love and hate about the city. The interview can be found here: Expanish Meets ...
Graffiti is common in Buenos Aires, ranging from barely legible scrawls supporting or condemning political figures to huge artistic murals. The political messages are particularly prevalent in the Plaza de Congreso and the Plaza de Mayo due to the large ...
Nice little film tracing the day of one of Buenos Aires' famous Dog Walkers. Victor has been doing the job for the last 12 years and has been bitten three times and has lost 2 dogs (both turned up later!). ...
Witnessing the weekly protest of Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo is one of the more enduring images of Buenos Aires. Founded in during the military dictatorship of the late-1970s as a reaction to the kidnapping and murder of ...